This sci-fi drama series written by Sam Vincent and Jonathan Brackley is based on the Swedish award-winning drama "Real Humans." The story is set in a parallel universe where technology is highly advanced and lifelike humanoids called Synths are the must-have machines for any household. Joe Hawkins decides to buy a Synth to help out at home, but his wife, Laura, feels uncomfortable around the humanoid. Elsewhere a widower tries to fix his malfunctioning Synth, Odi, who holds some precious memories of his late wife. The all-star cast includes William Hurt, Katherine Parkinson, Colin Morgan, Rebecca Front and Gemma Chan.
Casts : Eva-Jane Willis, Emily Berrington, Gemma Chan
Genres :Drama, Action, Sci-Fi,
Run Time : 45 Minutes
Seasons : 2
More Info : IMDb | TheTVDB
Season 02 - 480p
Humans S02E01 187M
Humans S01E01 169M
Humans S02E01 187M
Humans S02E02 175M
Humans S02E03 157M
Humans S02E04 176M
Humans S02E05 205M
Humans S02E06 191M
Humans S02E07 152M
Humans S02E08 190M
Humans S02E03 157M
Humans S02E04 176M
Humans S02E05 205M
Humans S02E06 191M
Humans S02E07 152M
Humans S02E08 190M
Season 01 - 480p
Humans S01E02 164M
Humans S01E03 197M
Humans S01E04 172M
Humans S01E05 168M
Humans S01E06 194M
Humans S01E07 180M
Humans S01E08 170M
Humans S01E03 197M
Humans S01E04 172M
Humans S01E05 168M
Humans S01E06 194M
Humans S01E07 180M
Humans S01E08 170M
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