Cued by TNT's popular "The Librarian" trilogy, this series introduces new members of an ancient group protecting mystical artifacts. Hidden below the Metropolitan Public Library, the secret society's longtime leader is Flynn Carsen, whose job has become very complicated. To help, the Library recruits Eve, a counterterrorism agent responsible for organizational security; Jacob, who has encyclopedic knowledge of art, architecture and history; Cassandra, who links auditory/sensory hallucinations to memory; and Ezekiel, a skilled thief and master technician. Overseeing them is Jenkins, the reclusive caretaker of the Library's sleepy little annex in Oregon. Noah Wyle executive produces and recurs as Flynn, the role he played in the movie series.
Casts :John Larroquette, Rebecca Romijn, Christian Kane
Genres :Adventure, Action, Drama,
Run Time : 60 Minutes
Seasons : 3
More Info | IMDb | TheTVDB
Season 03 - 480p
The Librarians S03E01 163M
The Librarians S03E02 199M
The Librarians S03E03 158M
The Librarians S03E04 173M
The Librarians S03E05 250M
The Librarians S03E06 197M
The Librarians S03E07 322M
The Librarians S03E08 209M
The Librarians S03E09 220M
The Librarians S03E10 168M
Season 02 - 480p
The Librarians S02E01 231M
The Librarians S02E02 150M
The Librarians S02E03 150M
The Librarians S02E04 150M
The Librarians S02E05 210M
The Librarians S02E06 211M
The Librarians S02E07 151M
The Librarians S02E08 188M
The Librarians S02E09 150M
The Librarians S02E10 228M
Season 01 - 480p
The Librarians S01E03 188M
The Librarians S01E04 202M
The Librarians S01E05 150M
The Librarians S01E06 150M
The Librarians S01E07 150M
The Librarians S01E08 183M
The Librarians S01E09 231M
The Librarians S01E10 220M
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