Rebooting the hit movie franchise of the same name, "Lethal Weapon" follows Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh as they combat crime in Los Angeles. Following the death of his wife and their unborn child, ex-Navy SEAL Riggs moves to California in search of a new start at the LAPD, where he is paired up with Murtaugh, who recently suffered a near-fatal heart attack. The newcomer's tendency to not look before he leaps clashes with Murtaugh's more considered technique, but when they look past the surface friction, they see the partnership might give them what they need.
Casts : Johnathan Fernandez, Chandler Kinney, Dante Brown
Genres : Action, Crime, Drama,
Run Time : 60 Minutes
Seasons : 1
More Info : | IMDb | TheTVDB
Season 01 - 480p
Lethal Weapon S01E01 210M
Lethal Weapon S01E02 189M
Lethal Weapon S01E03 188M
Lethal Weapon S01E04 201M
Lethal Weapon S01E05 199M
Lethal Weapon S01E06 188M
Lethal Weapon S01E07 187M
Lethal Weapon S01E02 189M
Lethal Weapon S01E03 188M
Lethal Weapon S01E04 201M
Lethal Weapon S01E05 199M
Lethal Weapon S01E06 188M
Lethal Weapon S01E07 187M
Lethal Weapon S01E08 175M
Lethal Weapon S01E09 161M
Lethal Weapon S01E10 232M
Lethal Weapon S01E11 178M
Lethal Weapon S01E12 175M
Lethal Weapon S01E13 157M
Lethal Weapon S01E14 166M
Lethal Weapon S01E15 184M
Lethal Weapon S01E16 176M
Lethal Weapon S01E09 161M
Lethal Weapon S01E10 232M
Lethal Weapon S01E11 178M
Lethal Weapon S01E12 175M
Lethal Weapon S01E13 157M
Lethal Weapon S01E14 166M
Lethal Weapon S01E15 184M
Lethal Weapon S01E16 176M