The show stars Antony Starr as Lucas Hood, an ex-con and master thief who assumes the identity of the sheriff of Banshee, Pennsylvania, where he continues his criminal activities, even as he's hunted by the shadowy gangsters he betrayed years earlier.
Casts : Hoon Lee, Rus Blackwell, Trieste Kelly Dunn
Genres : Action, Crime, Drama
Run Time : 60 Minutes
Seasons :4
More Info : | IMDb | TheTVDB
Season 04 - 480p
Banshee.S04E01 271M
Banshee.S04E02 201M
Banshee.S04E03 184M
Banshee.S04E04 186M
Banshee.S04E05 204M
Banshee.S04E06 199M
Banshee.S04E07 152M
Banshee.S04E08 271M
Season 03 - 480p
Banshee.S03E01 215M
Banshee.S03E02 187M
Banshee.S03E03 290M
Banshee.S03E04 249M
Banshee.S03E05 198M
Banshee.S03E06 212M
Banshee.S03E07 303M
Banshee.S03E08 263M
Banshee.S03E09 185M
Banshee.S03E10 257M
Season 02 - 480p
Banshee.S02E01 216M
Banshee.S02E02 240M
Banshee.S02E03 260M
Banshee.S02E04 226M
Banshee.S02E05 200M
Banshee.S02E06 188M
Banshee.S02E07 161M
Banshee.S02E08 176M
Banshee.S02E09 161M
Banshee.S02E10 271M
Season 01 - 480p
Banshee.S01E01 200M
Banshee.S01E02 151M
Banshee.S01E04 201M
Banshee.S01E05 198M
Banshee.S01E06 214M
Banshee.S01E07 209M
Banshee.S01E08 219M
Banshee.S01E09 191M
Banshee.S01E10 226M